今日在 MediaWiki中安装了扩展,执行 更新脚本后,访问 特殊页面:版本 时报错:
Warning: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/gitinfo/info.json) is not within the allowed path(s): (/{webroot}/:/tmp/) in {webroot}/includes/utils/GitInfo.php on line 165
其中将站点目录替换成了 {webroot} ,因为每个人的可能都不一样。
所以查看 GitInfo.php 第165行,位于此函数中:
* Compute the path to the cache file for a given directory.
* @param string $repoDir The root directory of the repo where .git can be found
* @return string Path to GitInfo cache file in $wgGitInfoCacheDirectory or
* fallback in the extension directory itself
* @since 1.24
private function getCacheFilePath( $repoDir ) {
$gitInfoCacheDirectory = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::GitInfoCacheDirectory );
if ( $gitInfoCacheDirectory === false ) {
$gitInfoCacheDirectory = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::CacheDirectory ) . '/gitinfo';
if ( $gitInfoCacheDirectory ) {
// Convert both MW_INSTALL_PATH and $repoDir to canonical paths
$repoName = realpath( $repoDir );
if ( $repoName === false ) {
// Unit tests use fake path names
$repoName = $repoDir;
$realIP = realpath( MW_INSTALL_PATH );
if ( str_starts_with( $repoName, $realIP ) ) {
// Strip MW_INSTALL_PATH from path
$repoName = substr( $repoName, strlen( $realIP ) );
// Transform git repo path to something we can safely embed in a filename
// Windows supports both backslash and forward slash, ensure both are substituted.
$repoName = strtr( $repoName, [ '/' => '-' ] );
$repoName = strtr( $repoName, [ DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR => '-' ] );
$fileName = 'info' . $repoName . '.json';
$cachePath = "{$gitInfoCacheDirectory}/{$fileName}";
if ( is_readable( $cachePath ) ) {
return $cachePath;
return "$repoDir/gitinfo.json";
其中第165行是: if ( is_readable( $cachePath ) )
, 说明问题出在 $cachePath
这个变量上,var_dump 结果是 /gitinfo/info.json
在第一次赋值时,得到 false,在第二次赋值时,得到 /gitinfo
,所以才有了 /gitinfo/info.json
。那么我们只需要知道 /gitinfo
这是因为 $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::CacheDirectory )
的值为空,也就是全局变量 $wgCacheDirectory
然后查阅 MediaWiki官方对于此值的解释如下:
说建议将此值设置为 "$IP/cache"
,而对 wiki farm 建议设为 "$IP/cache/$wgDBname"
, 再来看 LocalSettings.php ,此行默认被注释:
## Set $wgCacheDirectory to a writable directory on the web server
## to make your wiki go slightly faster. The directory should not
## be publicly accessible from the web.
#$wgCacheDirectory = "$IP/cache";
它说这个目录是wiki的缓存,需要可写权限,但不要让它公开访问,会让你的网站 'go slightly faster', 这个就很有意思了。
如果按照 '$IP/cache' 设置,肯定不合适,因为 IP 不同,会产生很多IP文件夹,因此,将其设为 'cache' ,即在网站根目录下创建一个 cache 文件夹,集中管理才比较好。
如果要追问下去,还会有其他的问题,比如 /gitinfo/info.json
"head": "refs/heads/master",
"headSHA1": "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567",
"headCommitDate": "1070884800",
"branch": "master",
"remoteURL": "https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/core"